Round 8
Kahoot points the skull towards the machine.
[Corduroy] “A forgotten machine built by the old wizards. It uses an electrified ignition and a series of alchemical reagents to trigger a magical process which transforms matter. Some one hath tampered with the iron beast - it hath no focus and no limiters in place. It shall randomly transform things nearby when the switch is tugged.”
Kahoot throws the switch.
[Corduroy] “Why hath ye done this act, you swinish clotpole! Have my words laid upon an empty noggin?”
[Kahoot] “Chill, we’re getting weird with it.”
The machine fires three beams of electric light from a prism embedded into it’s iron chasis.
One beam hits the blood mice. The blood mice let loose puffs of black smoke. In their wake, a series of elegant potted plants are left.
One beam hits Corduroy. His bone turns into facetted crystal.
One beam hits the eastern wall of the chamber, warping its cold stone into a dark hardwood.
[Corduroy] “I ‘spose things could have gone tremendously worse. I find a wicked joy in my new head-body.”
Kahoot moves through the door to their left.
This room is filled with clouds of grey mist. Its ceiling is rimmed with sprigs of ivy and hanging foliage. A somber statue sits contemplating in the far corner. Also here is Ziggy the small weirdo, looking a little worse for wear but more readied for a fight than Kahoot.
[Ziggy] “We meet again, long-strider! But your freakish legs have walked you right into my trap! You've hurt me, and for that you'll pay. My magick is ready, prepare to be slain!"
Ziggy begins to wave his hands around frantically! He’s casting a spell!
[CROWD] “NIce interior decorating!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎∎❏ ]
Round 7
Kahoot approaches the machine and begins to push buttons and throw levers in a haphazard display of engineering ignorance. Strange wheels of iron and black wood begin to cycle and spin. Beakers embedded in metallic shells begin to fill, gurgle, and mix with a kaleidoscope of colorful concoctions. A gulch of smoke is expelled from a bent chimney of iron. Finally, from the prism rooted in the center of the machine, three rays of prismatic light shoot off in different directions.
One beam hits the blood. The blood stains coagulate into the rough shape of mice, who all promptly scurry away into crevices in the wall.
One beam hits Kahoot’s pointed wizard cap. It instantly transforms from felt and velvet into a glass-like material, then shatters.
One beam hits the door to Kahoot’s right, fusing its metal to its stone doorway.
[Kahoot] “Rule one of magick is to never let your sense of self preservation get in the way.”
The door to the left has gone quiet. The door to the right is emanating a clatter of heavy foot falls and the sounds of pottery being broken.
Kahoot stays here.
This room is sterile, clean, with black stone walls. Infecting the wall, with metallic tubes and angular silver claws rooted deeply into the black stone, is a massive, complicated looking piece of heavy machinery. It seems to have been recently activated. It’s guggling and gyrating. It has a series of brass spokes which turn at different speeds, a row of hearty levers, and a number of glass tubes lodged in its belly filled with strange and colorful concoctions. A brass plate near its bottom has been chiseled with the word ‘Transmogrifier’. The entire machine has begun to shift from one color to the next, pulsing with soft light.
[CROWD] “We love blood mice! So cute!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎❏❏ ]
Vote Results: Use machine, use skull, go left.
Round 6
Kahoot sits in the center of the room, rests the skull in their lap, and closes their eyes. The boundaries between their skin and the stagnant dungeon air around them begins to meld. They look relaxed. Then, a vision seizes them, and a voice trails behind it -
[Corduroy] "Hey dude. Mine name's Corduroy. I am a scholar from the Tower. Thanks for forming a metaphysical link with the last traces of my consciousness, which be embedded in this death’s-head. The skull is mine, to be clear. Anyway, we can help each other out. It would be dope if thou could get me to the botanical chamber. I came hither to study the botanical chamber’s rarified plantlife, and was tragically yerked to perpetual wink by a gremlin on mine way to it. Should I can get there, it will be a perfect resting place. I love plants - specifically philodendrons. In return, thou can point me at something thou comprehends not, and I shall grant some insight into it. Fine? Fine, allow us to jam."
Kahoot stirs from their trance and rises to their feet.
Kahoot moves through the door straight ahead.
This room is sterile, clean, with black stone walls. The only sign of it ever having been disturbed is a small smear of blood near the threshold of the door to Kahoot’s left. Infecting the wall, with metallic tubes and angular silver claws rooted deeply into the black stone, is a massive, complicated looking piece of heavy machinery. It seems to have been recently activated. It’s guggling and gyrating. It has a series of brass spokes which turn at different speeds, a row of hearty levers, and a number of glass tubes lodged in its belly filled with strange and colorful concoctions. A brass plate near its bottom has been chiseled with the word ‘Transmogrifier’. The entire machine glows with a dull, teal shimmer.
[CROWD] “Go Kahoot, go Kahoot!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎❏❏ ]
Vote Results: Use machine, use nothing, stay here.
Round 5
Kahoot rummages through the tiny chest and discovers a shield and a skull. The skull is hot to the touch.
[Kahoot] "Pretty much everyone I know has a skull."
Kahoot stays here.
A large cacophony of industrial clanking, whirring, and grinding is coming through the forward door, muffled. The entire chamber is beginning to vibrate, in grand pulses.
There is a tiny chest in this room. It has been ransacked.
[CROWD] “Boooo! Get a move on! Boring! Hey buddy, take a hike!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎❏❏ ]'
Vote Results: Meditate, use skull, go forward.
Round 4
Kahoot launches a zap of lightning at Ziggy, disrupting his ritual. Then, they shank him. The metal breaks off in him. The shank is gone.
[Ziggy the Small Weirdo] "I don’t feel normal."
Ziggy goes forward.
The immediate threat is gone, but Kahoot doesn’t seem well. Maybe some of Ziggy’s magick found purchase.
There is a tiny chest in this room.
[CROWD] “Yeah! Celebrate violence!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎∎❏ ]
Vote Results: Search, use nothing, stay here.
Round 3
[Kahoot] “Hello, tiny friend. What are you doing in this perilous dungeon?”
[Ziggy the Small Weirdo] "Appreciate the chat, though chums we're not, I'm a gnome of pranks, with a devilish plot. Observe as my spell takes cue: wobblegob, kazam, zoodle-de-doo!"
[Kahoot] “what”
Ziggy begins to cast a magick spell.
There is a jolly gnome casting a spell in this room, and a tiny chest.
[CROWD] “Ziggy! We love you, Ziggy! Eat her flesh!” [ Favor - ∎∎❏❏❏ ]
Vote Results: Use magick, shiv, stay.
Round 2
Kahoot searched the room and found a SHIV tucked in a hole in the wall.
[Kahoot] “I’m now armed. Everything’s turning up Kahoot!”
Kahoot went through the door to their left.
There is a jolly gnome standing in this room, and a tiny chest.
[CROWD] “Shiv! Shiv! Shiv! Shiv!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎❏❏ ]
Vote Results: Speak, use nothing, stay here.
Round 1
Kahoot the Human Mancer has entered DNGN.
They didn’t bring anything with them! The Crowd is going apeshit!
[Kahoot] “Hi, everyone! I’m Kahoot. I was raised on a farm by two dads. Someday, I want to graduate from the arcane academy. My favorite flavor is lemon pudding.”
[CROWD] “Let’s go Kahoot! Show us what you’re made of, mate!” [ Favor - ∎∎∎❏❏ ]
Vote Results: Search, use nothing, exit left.
{ Character Creation begins. }
{ Character Creation ends. }
The players have created Kahoot, the Human Mancer.